Guidebook See Ong Pagoda and Ong Met Pagoda

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See Ong Pagoda and Ong Met Pagoda

Ong Pagoda is a “fully fledged Chinese pagoda and a very active place of worship,” writes Daily Travel. The “very ornate, brightly painted” pagoda has a “red-faced god on the altar” -- deified general Quan Cong, “who is believed to offer protection against war and is based on a historical figure, a 3rd century soldier.”

Chua Ong Met is a “classic Khmer-style pagoda that wouldn’t be at all out of place in any Khmer town,” says Travelfish. Set among a “stand of eucalypts,” and characterised by  “arches and wooden shuttered barred windows,” its main enclosure has “beautiful floor tiles,” and Khmer script “running along the base of the murals and the super-solid wooden columns holding the roof up.”

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  • Guidebook